Frequently Asked Questions

How can I book an appointment?

There are various options to book an appointment. Please click here to view our appointments page to find the best solution for you.

How can I register with the surgery?

The surgery is currently closed to new patients but please check back another time. You can use the ‘Find a GP’ service which will help you find a GP close to where you live. Find a GP - NHS (

How can I access my medical record online?

You can view your medical record online through the NHS app. This can be accessed on your mobile phone or computer. Once you have signed up you will have access to your record, be able to book and cancel appointments, request medication and much more. Click here to find out how to sign up.

Can I email you?

We do not accept emails into the practice. If you have a clinical enquiry or admin request you can use  our online consultation form called Patchs. Please click here to find out more.

I need to know when I had a vaccination/Immunisation how can I find out?

You can see your vaccination history on the NHS app. Please click here to find out how to sign up. You will find your vaccination history under View your GP Health Record > Immunisations

I have moved house how do I change my address?

If you have moved address please check you are still in our catchment area by clicking on this link. If you are still within the area please click here to fill in an online form. We will then change the details on your medical record.

How do I request a repeat prescription?

The easiest way to do this is via the NHS app. Please click here to find out how to sign up.

How can I request a sick certificate?

If you’re off work sick for 7 days or less, your employer should not ask for medical evidence that you’ve been ill. Instead, they can ask you to confirm that you’ve been ill. You can do this by filling in a form yourself when you return to work. We call this self-certification.

If you have been off work unwell for more than 7 days you can request a sick certificate from the GP. Please use our online consultation form – Patchs – to request this. PATCHS

How can I check my test results?

The quickest and easiest way to check your results is on the NHS app. Click here to find out how to sign up. If your test results are normal and you are still experiencing symptoms please either fill in an online consultation form, Patch, or book an appointment to see the GP. Both of these can also be done on the NHS app

How can I find my NHS number?

Your NHS number will appear on any clinical letters or prescription papers you may have. If you do not have these you can use the NHS number finder by clicking on this link Find your NHS number - NHS (

How can I check the status of my referral?

You can check your referrals on the NHS app. Please click here to find out how to sign up. Please do not call the surgery to chase up appointments, you will need to call the number on the referral document you originally received and speak to the bookings team.

How can I change my pharmacy?

If you have a usual pharmacy that your medication goes to this can be changed in the NHS app. Click here to find out how to sign up.